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SPb, Gorokhovaya 22
(812) 612-13-29
thursdayКод PHP">thu

12:00 - 00:00


12:00 - 00:00


12:00 - 00:00


12:00 - 00:00


12:00 - 00:00


12:00 - 00:00


12:00 - 00:00


12:00 - 00:00

When Maria Revzina launched Zoom, she was 25 years old, and the start-up capital was $150,000

Call Your Parents cake is based on an original recipe from Maria’s mother

In all of its 10 years, Zoom has never spent a kopeck on advertising

A cup of black coffee had the same price for the past 7 years

There is a stage (in the second room) that has never been used as such

The Zoom music library features more than 10,000 songs

Zoom has a wonderful friend, a babushka who, for many years, has been coming to pick up leftover bread and often brings us berries from the forest and vegetables from her garden

At Zoom one can always find the latest issues of Afisha, Seans, Inostranka, Khudozhestvenny zhurnal, The Art Newspaper Russia, and The St. Petersburg Times

On the wall opposite the bar, a small picture of Katya Kanke (the former art director) has been migrating from poster to poster for 1 1/2 years

On the same wall, Zoom pins all the postcards sent by visitors from all over the world ))